What’s an Acct Exec to do?

The current business environment has a post 9/11 feel to it. LSP account executives are off the road along with everyone else. Operations and customer service are disrupted. I am hearing the frustration from providers and their clients. The challenge for account execs is to maintain their account base and assist with operations and service issues without face to face contact.

This is not the time for sales pitches or cold calling. Clients are likely working from home and would not welcome this approach. Accounts execs can add value by problem solving and customer service support if clients will give them the opportunity.

My suggestions are for acct execs to hold off on the sales pitch for now and build the relationship through service. For clients, you would be smart to take the LSP rep’s phone calls and let them help you. Remember, they are trying to do their job and you can always cut the call short if it turns into a sales pitch.