Partnering with Freight Forwarders

Freight forwarders are essential logistics service providers in international trade. The functions performed by forwarders make it possible for any business to export their products without a large staff. Forwarder selection criteria will vary according to the specific needs of the exporter. Among the most common factors are capacity, connections with airlines and ocean carriers, efficiency of local operations, customer service support, up to date technology, and of course, price. Obtaining rate quotes for large or first time moves is a valid practice. Rate shopping or basing transactions on price alone, however, makes it difficult to access necessary service factors. In recommending forwarders to clients I always emphasize the importance of maintaining a good business relationship with providers.

Forwarders can be a valuable partner in export compliance. It is important to note, however, that primary responsibility for compliance with the EAR falls on the “principal parties in interest” (PPI) in a transaction. Here is a link to BIS Freight Forwarder Guidance:

Contact mitch@ for export assistance.