Compliance Geeks

Geek: “a person who has excessive enthusiasm for and some expertise about a specialized subject or activity”. Many compliance folks proudly refer to themselves as Geeks.

Demand for compliance professionals has never been higher, as LinkedIn users can readily see. Companies of all sizes and in all industries realize that being in compliance means fewer supply chain disruptions. At the very least compliance is good risk management. Think of it as insurance.

You may be looking to add a logistics or compliance pro to your staff and, understandably, want to make a good selection. In the meantime, let me suggest training your shippers in some export compliance basics. I have always warned that compliance should not be left to a busy shipping department; the factors are complex and need to begin early in the order cycle. However, a few hours of training is a good investment, enabling shippers to spot possible export violations before shipments leave your dock. It will also allow your new professional to focus on more strategic matters and hit the ground running.

Our copyrighted presentation “Exporting for Smart People” will provide your staff with upgraded skills and knowledge.

Contact for more info.