Category Archives: Nuts & Bolts
Customs Broker Exam Tips Re-Visited
If you are planning to take the customs brokers exam in April you should be well into your preparations by now. In a previous post I shared the prep strategies that worked for me. Here is the info again with the key steps highlighted. Best of luck but don’t rely on luck.
According to CBP Customs and Border Protection passing rates for the customs brokers exam average only 3-11% nationwide. The test is given twice per year in April and October. It consists of 80 multiple choice questions and a passing grade is 75%. The exam is open book which makes it seem easy. However, the books consist of the HTUS Harmonized Tariff of the United States and CFR 19 Code of Federal Regulations, totaling hundreds of pages. The difficulty is in being able to quickly access the right section for each question. It is a four hour exam so three minutes per question is not much time.
I took a prep course in Boston taught by Atty. Mary Wright. The class met two nights per week for 6 weeks prior to the exam. Mary explained the material very thoroughly from her background as a customs attorney and prior experience as an import specialist for CBP. We also reviewed previous exams in class. As good as this class was, I would not have been able to pass the exam without additional study. I estimate that I spent about 40-50 hours on weekends leading up to the exam.
I used 6 previous exams and a 3 step process. In step 1 I took each test for accuracy, ignoring the clock. In step 2 I took the tests again in the same order, while timing myself to make sure I could finish within 4 hours. I believe that step 3 was the key to my success. For this phase I circled all the questions I had missed in steps 1 and 2 and created a separate mini exam which I took several times until I answered all the questions correctly.
Comment in Logistics Consulting
Mitch Kostoulakos CTL,LCB Good info to keep on file for responding to US Customs requests. One of the main take-aways is that a customs compliance program is a must for importers. The importer’s relationship with their broker is critical and will enable timely data gathering for the response. However, ultimate responsibility for violations rests with the importer.
There are many occasions when the Government, for our purposes, let’s say US Customs, takes an interest in something your company is doing. Does that sound like attention? Yup, but not all attention is good! In fact, most government, let’s say Customs comm
Comment in Customs Specialists
- Mitch Kostoulakos CTL,LCB
Comment in International Trade Compliance Experts
Mitch Kostoulakos commented on a discussion in International Trade Compliance Experts: Networking Group.
Mitch Kostoulakos
Good article…What are the best certification programs for export compliance?
Comment on Talking
Comment in Logistics Consulting
Mitch Kostoulakos
I agree that customer service is at least inconsistent. Providers are driving productivity in operations and this extends to customer service. Clients can improve their customer experience however. See my post Customer Service Blues @ …more
Comment on AST&L certification
Here is my comment on a discussion in American Society of Transportation and Logistics
International Logistics and Regulatory Consulting
AST&L certification process is rigorous as is APICS. I would say that AST&L is for logistics and transportation practitioners while APICS includes inventory and procurement. I value my CTL but agree with the comments that it is not widely recognized. AST&L needs to raise the profile to the same level as APICS certification. Professionals looking for advanced education need to be practical about how they use their time and must consider how the certificate will help their career.
American Logistics Aid Network
Comment in Logistics Consulting
Mitch Kostoulakos commented on a discussion in Logistics Consulting.
Mitch Kostoulakos
Freight forwarders are not all alike so customer service is at least as important as the rate and probably more important. There is always a better rate out there. It is more important to develop relationships with forwarders so you can get service you need…more